Bach flower remedies

The training proposed is the basic experiential approach to the study of floral remedies discovered in 1930s by Dr Edward Bach, commonly known as Bach Flowers. Remedies widely used by both insiders and newbies. They are a tool that interacts with the state of mind of the individual bringing calm and balance.
This training is aiming at the simple person passionate about natural remedies, as well as at professional figures such as Naturopaths, Pharmacists, Doctors, Nutritionists, Osteopaths, psychological counselors, naturopaths, etc.
Course objectives
The aim of this course is to introduce the use of Bach flowers with technical mastery and adequate sensitivity in all contexts.
Duration: 24 h
Lecturer: Paola De Benedetti – Naturopath, Posturologist, Kinesiologist, CSEN Teacher – GPR Global Postural Reprogramming Method –Raggi Method on Pancafit – Health coach
At the end of the course will be released a certificate accredited by the Region Liguria.
Il corso è suddiviso in 4 moduli da 6 ore ciascuno.
The course is divided into 4 modules of 6 hours each.
MODULE 1 (theory):
- Dr. Bach’s history of flower therapy
- The first 12 remedies discovered by Bach
- flower type and personality traits
MODULE 2 (theory and practice):
- Correct way of use of floral remedies: choice of flowers
- Basics of Bach’s 39 floral remedies
MODULE 3 (theory and practice):
- Basics about other floral systems
- Relation between emotional and eating disorders and Bach’s flowers
MODULE 4 (practice):
- Empathy and active listening
- Analysis of non verbal language
- Personal experimentation of floral remedies
Tel: 0102470546 / 3271466019