Sanitary requirements for tattoos TPC and piercers

This training course is aimed at operators who are already part or want to approach the world of Tattoo, PCT (permanent chromatic tattoo) and piercing, an essential and mandatory requirement to ensure full compliance with the provisions contained in the directive of Liguria Region on hygiene-health requirements provided for these types of activities.(D.G.R. 787/2008).
Durata: 30 h, di cui 20 ore di lezioni teoriche online e 10 ore di esercitazioni pratiche igienico-sanitarie.
Le assenze non devono superare i 10% del totale monte ore del corso.
Costo del corso: 350,00 € compreso di iscrizione
Docenti: Dott.ssa Paola Carrara (Docente accreditata Lykeion), Dott. Elio Giuliani, Valentina Vitello (operatrice TPC).
Educational programme
1. Theoretical Lessons online (20 hours)
- Main infectious agents;
- Mode of transmission of infectious agents with particular regard to contact and parenteral transmission.
- Outline of epidemiology and prevention of main infections with parenteral transmission (HBV, HCV, HIV);
- Outline of dermatology;
- Characteristics of the premises minimum essential requirements
- Hand washing;
- Standard Precautions;
- Disinfection; disinfectants and antiseptics recommended for piercing and tattooing;
- Sterilization: general aspects, procedures. Use of autoclave;
- Dermatological and systemic contraindications to piercing and tattooing practices: which they are, how to suspect them, what information to ask the client;
- Constituents of tattoo inks: description, safety and toxicity characteristics;
- Operator protection system: safety behaviours, recommended vaccinations, personal protective equipment, what to do in the event of an accident/injury post exposure prophylaxis for HIV
- Safe disposal of infected risk waste;
- Informed consent and privacy;
- Operator’s responsibility: information on the physical risks that tattoo, piercing and permanent make-up entail.
2. Practice on site (10 hours)
3. Final Exam on 23rd July 2022
Tel: 0102470546 / 3271466019